Sundar Pichai said on continuous layoffs in Google - Company will continue to take tough decisions

Pichai said that the company is taking its time to do the layoff process correctly and thoroughly. He also said that Google will continue to choose difficult options.
Like last year, this year also the layoff of employees is going on in Google. So far this year, the company has laid off hundreds of its employees. However, in the year 2023, the company had laid off 12,000 of its employees in one go. But this year the company has done layoffs in very less numbers and in different phases. Meanwhile, in the all-hands meet, Google CEO Sundar Pichai was asked about the layoffs taking place in the company.

Retrenchment will continue.
In this meeting, Sundar Pichai was asked that when will the uncertainty and disruption arising from retrenchment of employees end? In response, Pichai said that most of the layoffs of employees will take place in the first half of this year. He further said that considering the current situation, the number of layoffs is expected to be significantly less in the second half of the year. But for this the company will have to manage the hiring of employees properly. Pichai said that the company is taking its time to do the layoff process correctly and thoroughly. He also said that Google will continue to choose difficult options. There is a great need to do new things. Earlier the company used to do this by increasing the number of employees. The company cannot do this in this era of change. Sundar Pichai also made it clear that Google is increasing its expenses. But the company is controlling its growth. He told the employees that the company looks for opportunities to re-allocate people. What did you say on cost cutting? Google has performed well in the last quarter. According to reports, Google has reduced many of its allowances for employees. Regarding this, Sundar Pichai was asked whether cost cutting will continue in the company. In response to this he said that Google wants to increase its efficiency.

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