Where The Sun's Boundary Ends, There Is The Most Mysterious Round Area, Snow And Darkness, And Also A Pile Of Gold.

Most Mysterious Place Of Space: Where the last planet of the Sun is Neptune, after that the boundary of this solar system is said to end. But there is the most mysterious area, there is only snow and darkness. There is gold and precious metals and also reserves of oxygen and organic elements.
There is only ice here, where two types of forces work, one force from outside pushing things towards the Sun and the other force from the Sun.
It is considered to be the most mysterious place in space, which has a lot to offer – asteroids, water, metals, oxygen, no life at the moment.
It is always dark here, not much has been discovered, hence there is still a need to know a lot about this area.
Where the 09 planets of the Sun disappear, that is, the boundary of the Sun's solar system is considered to end, there is a very wide circular strip of millions of icy bodies. It is considered a mysterious place in space. Its biggest mystery is how there are millions of dwarf bodies of ice here. There is oxygen here. Life can flourish here. There may be gold here on a very large scale. Whatever reaches here turns into ice.

The Kuiper Belt is one of the biggest mysteries of space. Whatever is being known about it is increasing its mystery further. – There may be a large amount of gold in the Kuiper Belt – Some people estimate that the belt is worth trillions of dollars – The temperature here is always more than -250 degrees – Countless pieces of ice are always being added to this belt – There is oxygen here, some scientists believe there could be life here – there are rocks and metals here, even water, ammonia and frozen volatiles like methane – the discovery of which has just begun. Scientists find icy worlds in the Kuiper Belt Called Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) or Trans-Neptunian Object (TNO)

The most mysterious place:
Kuiper Belt is the most mysterious place because there is never day here, it is always dark and also very cold. It is believed that when the solar system was being formed, all the wear and tear that occurred after its formation reached here.

It is believed that a different kind of force works here
, in which the icy objects moving there are pushed from all sides and then the force between the Sun and it keeps turning it into a ring. It is also believed that Earth-like planets can also be included in this belt. Studies till now also say that the comets that come to the solar system and leave from there, originate from here.

So far, only one spacecraft has been able to reach the Kuiper Belt, that is NASA's New Horizons, which flew by Pluto in 2015 and Arrokoth in 2019.

Thousands of objects here, which could not be discovered
The Kuiper Belt is a donut-shaped region of icy bodies that orbits the Sun beyond the orbit of Neptune. The Kuiper Belt is named after Dutch-American astronomer Gerard Kuiper, who published a paper in 1951 speculating about objects beyond Pluto. More than 3100 similar items have been discovered here. Scientists estimate that there are hundreds of thousands of objects larger than 20 miles that have still not been found.

Here things collide with each other and
the Kuiper Belt is also slowly coming to an end. The objects present there sometimes collide. Dust also emerges from here which is carried out of the solar system by the solar wind.

The average surface temperature
of the Kuiper Belt is approximately -390 °F (-235 °C) or 50 Kelvin (-223 °C or -370 °F), making it one of the coldest regions of space. In this region, many substances which are normally gases on Earth are present here in the form of ice.

There are many asteroids and gold among them. 
There are many metallic asteroids in the Kuiper Belt, which have abundant metals. There is also abundant amount of gold in them. However, extracting gold from space is not currently economically feasible due to the high cost of mining and exploration.

Could life flourish here?
Scientists speculate that the Kuiper Belt may have some conditions that support life, but there is no evidence to support it. In fact, there is an indication of the presence of organic molecules buried beneath the surface of the objects in the Kuiper Belt. The basic work for life begins from there. However, NASA physicist John Cooper says that this does not mean that there is or can be life in the Kuiper Belt. Some scientists believe that there is life in the Kuiper Belt. Exposed worlds may have hot cores indicating the presence of liquid water beneath their icy surfaces. It is also estimated that Kuiper Belt objects may also have liquid oceans. This may lead to the development of life forms with alternative biochemistry.

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